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Taming Turai

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Our situation as a nation couldn't be more dicy. There is a sick or dead president that is seen by less than 20 people, mostly family members, a disgraceful House of Assembly that is filled with weaklings, mediocres, illiterates, people without an understanding of the mandate they carry and seat warmers who are literarilly not in the House. When we thought we've had it all, another icing on our cake surfaced in the name of a rabid enranged First lady Turai Yar'adua.

Without mincing words, with her pedigree, experience and academic background, she's supposed to be our most quiet First Lady ever. She is not well lettered, her communication skills embarasses the Nigerian literate women but she still think the nation revolves around her.

I remember watching her address the IAEA Summit in Athens last year. Her difficulty at the English language was palpable and some of those in attendance couldn't help burst in laughter. As a Nigerian, I felt violated.

It is therefore expected that such a woman will be do us the favor keeping her mouth shut on sensitive issues of governance. But as it seems, she is our uncrowned president helping weak Yar'adua make the tough calls.

With the help of the devil's advocate in the name of the Attorney General of the Federation- Micheal Andoaka, and other members of the kitchen cabinet, tough decisions are made, sensitive steps are taken and alliances are built around a president fighting for his life under the numerous life support cables and beeping monitors of the rebranded Saudi hospital. This raises some trivial questions.

The first being the true position of Mr. President on the handover debaccle. It is daily becoming evident that the Turai- led caucus are the ones in charge as Mr. President has been rendered incommunicable, unreachable, and technically insignificant. Is this the 21st Century rebranded Coup plot?

The expertise of our new unelected leaders leaves much to desire. Andoakaa only surfaced on the national scene with this regime while Turai's experience is as a two- term first lady of Katsina who almost took over the reins of leadership from her always ill heartrob- Umaru.

I recently read a statement attributed to the late Sheu Musa Yar'adua in which he was asking Katsinans who they want in the government house- Umaru or Turai? It is therefore not a new incidence or fresh occurence in the family's precidence. However, silence at the national level will be a bad anticedence.

It is therefore worthy to point out that the President is Umaru and not Turai, whose role, at best, is as an adviser on the Yar'adua family affairs.

Nigeria has had several First Ladies before Turai. And each one of them were recognized for their distinct and high peculiar characters.

Mariam Babangida complemented her husband's smiles and programmes, Mariam Abacha was seen as a social face of the unsociable, highly feared dark glasses wearing Sanni Abacha, while Fatima Abubakar was a busy judge who had no time for the social frivolities associated with the post. It was the social scene that the late Stella Obasanjo dominated while alive, bringing recognition to the nation from nations beyond the borders of Nigeria.

None of them interfered with governance, even when they all were well tutored more than Turai who seems to be jumping the gun at every opportunity. There is a reason why these past first ladies allowed due process to take place- it is the sane thing to do, Turai should also follow the path of sanity, for the sake of her sick hubby.

Our Representatives And Misrepresentatives

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The roles of the legislature in any democratic nation cannot be over-emphasized. From the federal, through state to the local government, there is always the need for law makers to put the executive arm in check. According to the Nigerian Constitution, the law makers in the National Assembly are representatives, each representing their respective constituencies, the interests of which the representatives are meant to protect. With the executive representing the politicians, and the judiciary making known the position of the law on national issues, the reason for the establishment of The National Assembly is therefore simple-to say what the people are saying.

The US Congress and House of Commons (and Lords) are the legislative arms of the US and UK governments respectively. Members of these chambers are not jobbers, societal miscreants or literate illiterates who lack the full compos mentis and proper comprehension of their saddled duties. They are intellectuals and rare assemblage of brilliant men (and women) who thoroughly scrutinize state and international issues before giving a no or a nod. No wonder great presidents constantly rise from these chambers.

Since 1999 when Nigeria supposedly returned to democratic rule, the representatives at all levels-federal, state, and local governments, have been more of rubber stamps in the hands of the executive arm to perpetrate their acts, even when the Constitution says something else. The Ladoja impeachment saga is a typical example of the typical Nigerian House of Representatives where the interests of the citizens are set aside to sooth the wounds of an enraged Godfather. On the national scene where the stakes are higher, the situation is regrettably the same.

It is an open secret that Nigeria has been unlucky at getting reliable representatives (and senators) to truly pursue the agenda of the masses. From one term to another, the dome-shaped architectural masterpiece has been occupied by individuals who know little or nothing about legislature, are acting the scripts of their Godfathers and political parties or on recess after busy back-to-back tenures as governors. No wonder they keep entertaining themselves with occasional bouts and outbursts to the detriment of national issues.

Another feature that is signatory of the incumbent representatives, like their predecessors, is looking the other way, when they ought to rise to the occasion and carry out actions in the interest of the Nigerian citizens.

There are numerous seat warmers in the two chambers-The Senate and House of Reps, but a handful of them are making waves. These are the ones that Nigerians always look up to for succor. Members of The Integrity Group that kicked out Madam Patricia Etteh were seen, during the Etteh saga, as hopes for the restoration of the legislature to sanity. But as it now seems to be, they’ve joined the bandwagon.

While reading the interview that Farouk Lawan, the leader of the Integrity Group, granted a newspaper over the weekend on the ‘vacuum’ in leadership and other national matters, his words pointed to the notion that he and his disciples have lost the integrity they were once at the vanguard. The question now is-at what expense?

Henry Ward Beecher (1813 – 1887), American clergyman and abolitionist, one of the popular preachers of his day, described integrity as ‘a reputation for good judgment, for fair dealing, for truth, and for rectitude [which in itself] is a fortune.’

Going by Henry Ward Beecher, integrity is three-faceted, encompassing good judgment, fairness and moral uprightness. With the support of the status quo by the leader of The Integrity Group, the basis of their integrity has been compromised.

Talking of good judgment, the resolution of the president and the executive not to handover to the vice president (Goodluck Jonathan) before traveling for treatment, the support of The National Assembly of the presidential action, and the loquacious audacity of Farouk Lawan to publicly declare his support, and that of The Integrity Group, are not good judgments, looking at the facts before us.

The National Assembly’s position is also unfair on the citizens of the Nigerian nation who are now coping with issues that would have been ameliorated if their representatives are up-and-doing. Moral uprightness is another feature that is thrown into the tear-laden, hygroscopy-inducing, and ozone-depleted thin air.

The aborted Mutallab Christmas Present to America further highlighted the complacencies of both legislative houses. It is a Gospel truth that America’s heavy sledge hammer fell on the nation because our reps and other leaders failed to respond well.

To save face, the two chambers ought to show serious commitments to deciphering what went wrong, and accept the blame, on behalf of the country, if the origin could be traced to our shores. Instead, they postponed deliberations till a later date. The US Congress showed what a serious legislative house ought to have done.

The house launched, almost immediately, massive international investigations following the footprints of the bomb boy from birth to berth on the Delta passenger plane. The only person talking in Nigeria is not the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ojo Madueke) but the Minister of Information, Prof. Dora Akunyili. And as it seems, her voice wasn’t loud enough.

Nigeria would have been taken serious if the two chambers had a joint session without fighting over venue to deliberate on the circumstances. They should have invited relevant authorities and individuals, including the boy’s father who has been called by the US Congress, while their Nigerian counterparts are still confused on what to do.

The old saying that when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers also applies here, although the Nigerian elephant is regrettably a helplessly hapless and toothless one.

Nigerians en route USA and other Western countries in search of the Golden Fleece and in pursuit of the much sought American dream are the grasses that will suffer at the borders, no thanks to a deranged over-spoilt child, and old men and women who were [s]elected to speak for us but who regrettably can’t even speak for themselves.

As the President recuperates in his sickbed and the nation detours, embarking on a precarious journey that is everything but democratic, only God and sane individuals can help redeem the severed image. And at the last check, the redeemer is not in The National Assembly. It is high time we looked somewhere else, maybe on the boiling streets of Jos.

Xmas: Let's Defuse The Fuse

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Last Sunday, my pastor, Bishop Maxwell confirmed the widely spread assertion that Jesus was not actually born on December 25, but sometimes in October. What implication does it have on christianity as a faith, and a religion?

Since only-God-knows-when, Christians all over the world have contended with several issues that had brought the validity of Christianity under an unimaginable scrutiny by those seeking to discredit the Christian faith. From the claim that Jesus didn't actually die on the cross to Moslem's' nonacceptance of his status as the Son of God, Christians who believe the Gospel are fast becoming attorneys. But how do you defend his birth that is fast becoming controversial and contraindicatory? The Bible might help.

One of my favorite Bible verses is 2Samuel 22: 31.

" This God-- his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him."

In essence, this verse of the Bible shows that God wants that the truth be told. So let's face the facts.

According to Biblical history, Christ's birth was during the Jewish census in October. So, like me, many wonder how did December 25 become Christmas?

Regarding this, the Roman Catholic could be held responsible as the day, December 25, was meant to worship a Roman god. It was said that the church miscalculated Christ's birth and decided to go with the date. From my point of view, I think there is another acceptable explanation.

Christianity is like a tossed coin- there are two sides. An aspect is that of religion. Like other religious worshippers, people that take this side are concerned with the technicalities of the Gospel. They endeavor to conform to some routine that must be pursued wholly holy. To them, the assaults on the christian faith is a devastating blow.

The other side is that of those who see christianity as a faith, and not a sacrosant religion. To them, christianity is about the man (Jesus) and not the circumstances. They believe that they can choose to believe anything in the light of God's word. To people like these, the focus of Xmas is not the date but Jesus himself, be it December 25th or February 31st.

From the print media to the internet, enemies of the Gospel are having a field antagonizing the Christmas fate. They are winning the argument based on scientific and geographic facts, while setting aside the main issue, was Jesus born or not?

Till date, nobody, living or dead, has denied Jesus came to the world and died, 2 issues that form the bedrock of the christian faith. The attempt to discredit the birth of Jesus is an attempt, maybe by the devil and his fallen angels, to create confusion among christians. But trust God, He is also making use of the situation to know real christians.

My name sake, Apostle Paul, never met Jesus but the spiritual encounter was all he needed to sprout him to take the Gospel personal and more serious than those who actually met and walked with Jesus. The reason is simple- he understood the simple message of the Gospel. Believing Christ's birth, death on the cross, and ressurrection on the third day. Even today, the message is still the same.

Jesus' birth in a manger is a message to us that the venue is not the issue. If it were, Jesus would have been delivered in the prestigious King Fasai Hospital by a conglomerate of reputable American, German and British doctors.

His death would also have been on paladianer- finished pine wood cross that was well sprayed to prevent allergens from being inhaled. He would also have been buried in top quality golden casket that is more expensive and eye popping than that of Gani Fawehinmi.

In addition, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus would have been in grand style, broadcasted live on CNN, BBC, Fox, NBC, NTA, SABC, Aljazeera and several other television networks. But that wasn't the case as only his disciples saw him ascend into the heavens.

The assault on December 25 is therefore futile as christianity is not a religion that is characterized with real dates and locations but a faith that leads to a lifelong relationship built on faith in Christ's birth, death and ressurrection. To us, everyday, not just December 25, is Xmas.

Knowing God's Set Time

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I could vividly remember mid 2007. I was at the verge of graduating, my mind was focused on getting a good job and stepping into a perfect life. As far as I was concerned then, I was ready for the market. But in God's eyes, there is still a lot to do.

He took me from Ibadan to Owerri as a transferred student. While some colleagues influenced their transfer, I didn't fight mine because I saw God's hands in it all!

The road seemed rough, tough and totourous, I realized that God is preparing me and equiping me for the tasks attached to my destiny, so I patiently harkened knowing the training will soon be over, and I will be a better man.

Thanks to God's interference with my plans, I now have a better and clearer view of my destiny and task on earth. He has led me to know where, when and how to call Him while further promising that His watchful eyes are on me to see me through my darkest nights and deepest fears.

As I enter my final examination hall starting from tomorrow, I reflect on how God took over my plan and introduced His. How He showed me that I'm not an accidental discharge, and how He made known that my time is no longer in the nearest future but now!

While the enemy ideates and strategizes on how to regroup, I delight myself knowing that my joy is in the Lord, my success is in His hands, and the limit to my victory, testimonies, excellence and good tidings are in His hands, and there is nothing anybody or devil can do about it.

I've gotten to that point. And until you get there, your time is not yet here.

Testing Microphone

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As evident, I'm trying to step up my online presence by building a befitting blog for myself.

So far and so good, the interphases are awesome and I won't mind making this my landing page.

I'm adding awesome gadgets that will keep you in touch with everything you need on different tabs- facebook, twitter, calendar, Yahoo! And the Bible.

Thanks and I hope to see you around!


Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio. Duis mollis

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