The Validity Of Christianity

One of the issues that true Christians contend with on a daily basis is that of poking non Christians who boast of having complete knowledge of the Bible. While their mastery of the words of the Bible is quite commendable, same cannot be said of their understanding of the Christian faith.

According to my PC's dictionary, religion is a particular system of faith and worship and a life under monastic vows. In other words, and going by etymology, religion is a thing that one is devoted to. A devotion is a routine, a practice that is religiously carried out with the belief that by regularly observing the routine, one connects well with the Creator. For some religions, this is quite true. Examples of such include Islam, Buddhism and several others.

Moslems for example are expected to religiously say their Sallat prayers five times daily. That is religion, Christianity however is quite different. I know it's quite difficult to decipher, I'm gonna break it down for you.

Going by my personal encounter, christianity is a journey that starts with an encounter. For some, it's a voluntary decision while for somehow stubborn ones like me, God had to take it personal, taking us through several inundating experiences, challenges, battles and obstacles which made us realize that we need something and somebody beyond our normal realm, horizon and genus. In both instances however, there is no compulsion or threats because it's a choice that transcends into a relationship.

Unlike religions where members are literarily inducted and initiated usually from conception, a prospective Christian must have an insightful understanding of what he or she is entering into. It is more than daily chores, periodic events and astral obligations, it's an all encompassing extreme makeover!

From the outset when an individual somehow makes the bizarre decision to follow Christ and live a life by faith and not by sight, the lifestyle of a true Christian is gradually transmogrified into one similar to Christ's, although in a smaller way. Such stages include forsaking old ways, bad influences, sinful acts and unedifying circumstances. This stage is usually painful and extremely difficult.

One of the difficult things I forsook when I decided to be a serious Christian was the group I hung with. We did a lot of 'great' things together that were pretty fun. But when it became evident that they are gradually becoming a negative influence and unnecessary impedance to spiritual progress and self fulfillment, I made the somehow painful decision of letting them off my hook. Some Christians had to leave relationships, forsake families, lucrative jobs, and befitting residences to stand all alone in the midst of everything surrounded by nothing but their new way of life, the Christian faith. This has its good sides, even in the normal human realm.

People like these are not scared of making tough decisions and are confident in their God- given abilities. They are aware of the pains of sacrifices, and the sweetness of good success. They are inspired to go all the way and the extra mile knowing God is with them, and more importantly, they trust God to do everything through them.

Another peculiar nature of Christianity is the individual basis of relationships and diversities of encounters.

I once heard a non Christian describe the diverse Christian denominations as an indication of the uncertainty of the Gospel. In the true sense however, what the fellow failed to understand is that God interacts with Christians on an individual basis, and individual preferred modes of worship therefore varies. Since denominations refer to the mode of God worship, one million Christians are expected to have at least one million denominations. How about that?

The Bible is another aspect of Christianity that is grossly misunderstood. In just 66 books, it covers all aspects of human life and more- business, safety, warfare, medicine, music, geography, science, poetry, arts, vocations, philosophy, psychology, economics, human relations, love and sex!

The accuracy of Biblical facts also amazes science knowing that the chapters were written, preserved and passed down from generations that had no access to automated technology. Unlike other books that are said to come from heaven, the Bible was written by human beings and inspired by God and situations around. The Bible ordinarily is just like any other religious book, that is why anybody can pick it up and read without having the deep rhemaic insight that liberates, frees and clarifies an individual's heart.

The validity of Christianity is not in any writing on a baby's forehead, a Holy place, unusual book from heaven or anything AWOL. It is the too-simple-to-be-true nature of the Gospel.

This unbelievable truth daily gives hope to those passing through humanly hopeless situations. They are unshaken because of the truth that had helped out generations past. It worked then, and still at work now!


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